Here is a shot of my parents’ house in Westville, NJ that I took sometime during the Fall of 1982. The Sears branded SLR camera I shot this with was borrowed from my Father and was loaded with either a roll of Pan-X or Tri-X black-and-white 35mm film. This was probably a shot to finish off the roll of film because I doubt if a picture of my younger brother walking up the driveway had anything to do with the class. The assignments are long forgotten, but I’m glad I captured this frame because this place where I grew up is now long gone. It’s now a parking lot for a convenience store.
The Photo Elective
Back in the 1980s, I went to the school formerly known as The Philadelphia College of Art, and I along with all of the other illustration majors were required to take a minor course in photography. We had to shoot the photos as well as process the negatives and make prints. Most of the students in class lived in and around the school’s Philadelphia campus and concentrated their shots in The City of Brotherly Love. I lived just across the Delaware River and did most of my photo elective shots in and around suburban South Jersey.