Monthly Archives: January 2024


Part of the bounty of the produce stands on 9th Street in South Philly.

Posted in Italian Market, News, Philadelphia, Photography | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The Green Ghoul

Recently I’ve been traipsing down memory lane revisiting the people and impressions I had of grade school and junior high in the form of cartoons. Today I offer some images that I probably doodled in the margins of notebooks when … Continue reading

Posted in Illustration, Vector Illustration | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

French Pound Cake with Apples

This is essentially a French snacking cake, not too sweet, and firm enough to eat with your hands. The crumb is golden, and tender, and it’s studded with chunks of apples and grated orange zest!

Posted in Lovin' from the Oven | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment


Weekly cat post Continue reading

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Friday Five – Number One Hundred Seventy

One hundred seventieth in a continued series creating a collage using five elements.

Posted in Collage, Friday Five, News, photo manipulation, Photography | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

School Days – The Angry Librarian

The angry librarian insisted on absolute, tomb-like silence as if Karl Wallenda was traversing a tightrope above a Bengal tiger trap in the middle of the library and absolute concentration was vital to the aerialist’s survival. Continue reading

Posted in Illustration, Vector Illustration | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

It’s A Sign

Indeed it is.

Posted in News, Philadelphia, Photography | Tagged | 1 Comment