Lady Frankenstein has some difficulty with her ancestor’s creation.
I am having a lot of fun using my Sailor Fude fountain pens in a couple of small, mixed media sketchbooks. Sometimes I have a subject in mind, and other times — like the drawing above — I go wherever my pencils and pens take me. I roughed something out in pencil and started to lay in the ink with my new Japanese fountain pens. The Canson and Strathmore multi-media sketchbooks I have been using have 60 pages, and I’d like to fill future books with inked drawings. Maybe they will tell a story — a 60 page illustrated story! It depends on where my tools take me.
It took me a minute to ‘see’ what was going on. The pistol wasn’t clear until I really looked at the hands.
Yeah, it’s a sketch, and I am still getting a handle of the tools. I will refine my approach as I move along.