Monthly Archives: May 2017

Italian Market Festival 2017

Saturday was the first day of the Italian Market Festival – the rain held off, and 9th Street was packed with people. Join us on Sunday for the Procession of the Saints, artisan vendors, music, and great food! More photos behind … Continue reading

Posted in Glorious Food, Italian Market, News, Philadelphia, Photography, South Philly Safari | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Philadelphia Museum of Art circa 1941

Dad wearing a casual jacket (which was weird for the time being that everybody wore a suit jacket and tie everywhere) in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I cropped it off of this image, but ’41 is written … Continue reading

Posted in Blast from the Past, Philadelphia | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Looking South – Sketching in the Park

I turned the corner and was surprised to see artists making representational art rather than what I usually see – coffee drinkers fiddling with a smart phone.  

Posted in Looking South, Philadelphia, Photography, Sketch | Tagged , | Leave a comment


Beating up a boring photo with GIMP and Affinity Photo.

Posted in Adventures in Commuting, Philadelphia, photo manipulation | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Rhubarb Syrup

I made a rhubarb pie, cut up enough to freeze for a future pie, and made syrup! I used one part syrup to five parts seltzer, although it would be good in lemonade or with champagne.  Recipe under the cut.

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Weathered neon sign in Philadelphia

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Sketchbook from Heaven • 1/22/2017 – 5/7/2017

Usually when I finish off a sketchbook, I have either a feeling of accomplishment because I’ve managed a few competent scribbles within or relief in that I finally put an especially irritating pad that I made the mistake of purchasing … Continue reading

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