Tag Archives: technology

Bend Buxom Babes to YOUR Will!

Imagine making it to Third Base with the hottest girl in school using an ordinary TV set and a set of instructions that only cost THREE BUCKS!!!

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The Dual G4 1.25 GHz Power Mac

Recently I told you of the sad passing of my son’s Gigabit Ethernet G4 Power Mac and last week we decanted its replacement. Today, I’ll take a closer look at the Dual G4 also known as the Mirror Door Drive.

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Sunday Matinee – Telephone Tutorial

Hello dear readers, it’s Mrs Crankipants. Today’s topic is the rotary phone, an invention once considered the wave of the future in a simpler time, back before the touch tone models, texting, video chats, the capability of sending tragically ill-advised … Continue reading

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Raine! Raine! Don’t Go Away! or Pigments Versus Pixels

Recently, incredible illustrator and friend of Willceau Illo, Raine Szramski received some unsolicited advice about her art and her technique. She wrote about it on Facebook: I just had someone ask me why I’m bothering to paint my comic by … Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Technique | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments


This is a recent picture of Tina and Myself. We are a handsome couple, but, sadly, we do have those large halftone dots on our faces. Actually, a friend of Willceau Illo was having difficulty with a scanner and a … Continue reading

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